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2024-04-29 10:52:28 来源:天下文学 点击:8
1、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱了。 There is a man who teaches you how to love, but he doesn't love. 2、没有你的世界是一片黑暗的,就像一个迷路的孩子。 The world without you is dark, like a lost child. 3、起身,仰望,额间清愁已入眼底。薄洒的酒香,肆意熏醉,蒸晕了两腮,嫣红。 Get up, look up, forehead clear sorrow has entered the eye. Thin wine fragrance, wanton intoxication, steaming dizzy cheeks, purples. 4、因为你在风里,所以每一个有风的日暮晨曦,都有我欢喜。 Because you are in the wind, I am happy in every windy twilight and dawn. 5、我一直在找你,也一直在原地等你,你不来找我,也不让我找到你。 I've been looking for you and waiting for you. If you don't come to me, you won't let me find you. 6、摇摇欲坠被风吹,离月球越来越近,只愿嫦娥听。 Dangling and blown by the wind, closer and closer to the moon, I only want Chang'e to listen. 7、等一阵风,等一阵雨,等一个唯一的你。 Wait for a gust of wind, a shower, a unique you. 8、如若相爱,携手到老;如若无缘,护你安好。 If love, hand in hand to the old; if not, protect your safety. 9、安全感,是尘埃落定的安稳,是不离不弃的笃信。 The sense of security is the stability of the settled dust and the unshakable faith. 10、你爱远方的山,恨无常的事,又心心念念于舍不了和求不得的。 You love mountains far away, hate impermanent things, and you think about things that you can't give up or ask for. 11、当两颗流星擦肩而过,那彼此交汇的目光瞬间便成了远隔亿万光年的守望。 When two meteors pass by, the eyes that meet each other suddenly become the watchmen that are hundreds of millions of light years away. 12、不是所有的人,都能顺着你,所以要学会自己照顾好自己。 Not everyone can follow you, so learn to take care of yourself. 13、一束月季,洋兰,配上万年青叶,撒上满天星。 A bunch of roses, orchids, with thousands of years of green leaves, sprinkled with stars. 14、借来最大的勇气,全都用来拥抱你。 Borrow the most courage to embrace you. 15、从此以后,四海八荒,千秋万代,只有你我,再无我们。 From then on, there will be no one but you and me. 16、总是突然地开心,又突然间失去了所有兴致。 Always suddenly happy, and suddenly lost all interest. 17、成长是那部让你哭的电影,从看到鼻酸到平淡。 Growing up is the movie that makes you cry, from seeing your nose sour to plain. 18、有些人,遇不见,是错过;遇见了,是过错。 Some people, if they can't meet, are missing; if they meet, they are wrong. 19、真的太喜欢温柔的人了,尤其是那种看着高冷,实则温柔到骨子里的人。 I really like the gentle people, especially those who look at Gao Leng, but actually are gentle to the bone. 20、你的名字虽然普通,可是每次听见都会心头一震! Although your name is ordinary, your heart will shake every time you hear it! 21、你想要成为什么,你热爱什么,这才是你应该追逐的事物。 What you want to be, what you love, that's what you should pursue. 22、有时遥不可及才是最好的距离,没有期待,没有妄想。 Sometimes it's the best distance, no expectation, no delusion. 23、誓言这个东西,其存在的根本价值就是让人们来将其打破。 The fundamental value of oath is to let people break it. 24、陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。 Strangers can be divided into two types: those who don't know and those who pretend not to. 25、你说你喜欢风,后来就真的变成了我手中的风,抓也抓不住。 You said you like the wind, and then it really turned into the wind in my hands, which I couldn't catch. 26、用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 With my three fireworks, for your life lost. 27、等浓雾散去后,就可以看到最美丽的星空了。 When the fog is gone, you can see the most beautiful sky. 28、你记得或忘了我,今后,我都不再会为你而活。 You remember or forget me, in the future, I will no longer live for you. 29、流星,就像短暂的爱情,美的是一刹那,怀念的是一辈子。 Meteor, like a short love, beautiful is a moment, miss is a lifetime. 30、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 The life given by heaven is dedicated to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind. 31、我做了场春秋大梦,春是你,秋也是你。 I had a dream of spring and autumn. Spring is you, and autumn is you. 32、我需要的只是一份关怀,还有那真实的安全感。 All I need is a care and a real sense of security. 33、没有什么人能一路单纯到底,但是要记住,别忘了最初的自己。 No one can be pure all the way to the end, but remember, don't forget your original self. 34、有一种想念,叫做避而不见。 There is a kind of missing, which is called to avoid missing. 35、我在冷暖人世间逃窜,她在清朗秋空中仰目长盼。 I'm running away in the cold and warm world. She looks up in the clear autumn sky. 36、想你时望天空也多应景,低下头身边却无你同行。 When I think of you, I look at the sky, but I don't walk with you when I look down. 37、山水落你眉间痴长缠绵,望尽了也是一眼。 The landscape falls between your eyebrows, lingering, and you look at it all. 38、弱水三千只取一瓢饮,江海万顷唯系一江潮。 Three thousand weak water only takes a ladle to drink, and the vast expanse of water is only a river tide. 39、物转星移山河不改,你还是你我亦还是我。 Things change, stars change, mountains and rivers don't change, you or I or you. 40、我想你一定很忙,所以你看前三个字就好了。 I think you must be very busy, so just look at the first three words. 41、时间没有等我,是你,忘了带我走。 Time didn't wait for me. It was you who forgot to take me away. 42、朝夕妄想,与你,来日方长。 Daydream, with you, the future is long. 43、只要你站得足够高,就会发现,大地是星空的一部分。 As long as you stand high enough, you will find that the earth is part of the starry sky. 44、众生皆苦,唯独你是甜甜的草莓味。 All living things are bitter, only you are sweet strawberry flavor. 45、我们都擅长不动声色,如我们也擅长爱而不得。 We are all good at silence, like we are good at love but not love. 46、青葱年月里谁不曾疯狂过,年少日记里,泛黄的是执着。 Who hasn't been crazy in the spring and autumn? In the young diary, it's persistence that turns yellow. 47、看那朱泪遮颜,无关风月。忆那如歌岁月,素时锦年。 It's not about the moon or the wind. Remember the song like years, when the year of brocade. 48、一往情深深几许,深山夕照深秋雨。 Deep in love, deep in the autumn rain. 49、带我到荒芜里,或者跟我走,去体验鲜活。 Take me to the wilderness, or walk with me, to experience life. 50、爱任何事物的方法,就是要意识到你可能会随时失去它。 The way to love anything is to realize that you may lose it at any time. 51、想你的时候,把你的名字写在手心,摊开是想念,握紧是幸福。 When thinking about you, write your name in the palm of your hand, spread out is missing, and grip is happiness. 52、真想把这烦恼揉一揉,在夜里,塞进你的袜子里。 I really want to rub this trouble into your socks at night. 53、有他的梦里,就算我哭了,也不要叫醒我,好吗? In his dream, even if I cry, don't wake me up, OK? 54、虽然每天吵吵闹闹,但你的肩膀总是会给我依靠。 Although every day noisy, but your shoulder will always give me to rely on. 55、我喜欢了你十年,却用整个四月,编织了一个,我不爱你的谎言。 I like you for ten years, but with the whole April, I weave a lie that I don't love you. 56、你是我的半截的诗,不允许别人更改一个字。 You are half of my poem. No one is allowed to change a word. 57、隔山隔海几百里,念念不忘也是你。 Hundreds of miles across the mountain and the sea, it's also you who can't forget. 58、我大概是丧失了主动的能力,才会看起来毫不在意,任自己内心万马奔腾。 I probably lost the ability to take the initiative, so that I would look indifferent and let my heart run wild. 59、哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因坚强了太久。 Crying doesn't mean frailty, just because you are strong for too long. 60、愿得韶华刹那,开得满树芳华。 Wish to have a moment of youth, full of trees. 61、悠悠岁月,清浅时光。 Long time, light time.




